Saturday, March 04, 2006

My day as a model

My day as a model.

Last week, a company we work with notified us that they wished to profile us in their upcoming annual report. As part of the profile, they decided that they wanted a picture of one of the library staff. Since the Director and Assistant Director were out of town, I got the job. What I discovered was that the company intended on sending a professional photographer from Cleveland. He would fly in during the morning, take the pictures, and then fly out when the job was done. I was surprised that they were willing to send someone this far, and with this sort of expense just to take my picture. Now I guess I understand how our business partner spends money! Rather than having the photographer come all the way to our office, and having nothing much more impressive than a traditional Board Room or my office, I asked if he would want to meet at one of our libraries near the airport.

When he arrived, we decided on a few places that might serve as a good back drop. He took pictures of me surrounded by books, holding books, and standing in the book stacks. He started snapping and snapping. And then snapping some more. Before I knew it, he told me that he had taken over 100 shots. It was sort of fun, but really very boring after the first hour. I know this is nothing like being a real model, but I think that the “hard work” that models talk about is mostly a combat against boredom. I spent the rest of my day investigating the construction on our Platte City location, meeting with one of our trustees, and scouting greenspace for new libraries. This really is more to my liking and more my speed.

The photographer promised to send copies of the useful images to me. I’ll post them online sometime.

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